Maria Geir

feelimage/ Matern

Supervisory board: open
SB Education: CSE Certified Supervisory Expert; incite – die UBIT.Akademie
Profession: Managing Director
Inustry: IT transformation consulting and organizational development
Technical Education: Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner
Country: Austria

  • My passion is the most important interface in the digital transformation: H2H – Human 2 Human
  • Diversity and performance only thrive on psychological security.
  • Requirements Engineering = The art of asking the right questions and actually listening

My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Innovation, Organizational Development, Digital Transformation, IT Strategy, Design Thinking, Psychological Safety, Mental Health @ Work, DEIB, Psychosocial Counseling, Communication, Conflict Mgt, Requirements Engineering, Female Founder, Women in Tech

My contribution to the supervisory board:
For me, digital transformation is like building a kaleidoscope. Technology, methods and tools only develop their power when we put them in the right framework and reflect them from different perspectives, look at them and keep them moving with deeply human skills such as empathy, curiosity, creativity and communication skills.
As an IT transformation expert, I know the perspective as an external consultant, as part of an international group in management-related positions and as the founder of my own start-up. My greatest insight: Don’t just think in systems, but think SYSTEMICALLY. My core competence for the supervisory board: Psychosocial risk management in the digital transformation.